Limo driver shoots jfk video speech

T his is a companion piece to my journal entry about walter cronkites reporting of the car stop written two days ago, on august 20th today washington attorney and jfk assassination independent researcher, dan alcorn, found more compelling evidence on youtube that the kennedy limousine did indeed come. Pit manuver causes suspects truck to flip during pursuit, he keeps going. Jfk murder solved forum view topic did the limo slow. One bullet stuck his head and the other bullet hit him in the neck. Six jfk shooters, including three tied to cia, named by assassination authority by sherwood ross with jim fetzer six shooters who participated in the assassination of president john f.

Kennedys limo slowed after the assassination shooting began. Zapruder film shows jfks driver firing fatal head shot. I did manage to find this shot of jfk in mid 1963 and that sure looks like greer on the far right. Therein is referenced a march 1991 conversation with jean hill. See more ideas about lincoln continental, henry ford museum, kennedy. Did the limousine in which jfk was shot come to australia. In it you can clearly see the driver shooting jfk and the passenger lean over to hold the wheel. Jfk john f kennedy airport limo services our jfk limo provides limousine service to and from john f kennedy airport. Hills testimony on this matter was dramatized in the oliver stone movie jfk 1991.

Jfk assassination limo driver bill greer interview youtube. The limo that jfk was riding in when he was assassinated 50 years ago lived a long life after that day. Airbrook limo service from jfk was unreliable and they lied to us every time we called about where the driver was. Its story is told at the henry ford, a museum in dearborn, mich. They broke the video down to show the limo had slowed to less than 11 mph at the time of the shooting. Over 60 witnesses said the limo stopped or came to a near stop g. Sent in by buck aka captbogus the attached video is about the presidents limo driver youve never seen anything like this before. Angry man causes an elevator to malfunction after kicking in the door.

He travelled by limousine to each destination to give his speech. One theory that keeps coming up is that secret service agent william greer, the limousine driver, actually shot president kennedy with a handgun. Sa and limo driver bill greer to jackie kennedy at parkland hospital. Kennedys driver, tyroneborn william greer, played a part in his death. In addition, we provide airport transfers from jfk to other airports in the vicinity. Kennedy was assassinated, you may have heard about a few conspiracy theories. Kennedy jfk, a reconstruction of the assassination of jfk made from digitally manipulated archival film stills and photographs. Speaking publicly about what he witnessed this is the only interview secret service agent bill greer granted reporters, he died 2 years after the interview. Whether you are headed abroad to handle international business affairs, or traveling with your family for a vacation, you have enough to remember on your trip to the airport. Jfk assassination documentary the new york times duration. The most prominent change was a permanent top fitted with bullet resistant windows around the. If you look at a really bad copy of the zapruder film, it will look like william greer, the driver, reached over his shoulder with a gun and shot kennedy in the head, john mcadams, author of. Video found on youtube shows what appears to be the driver of president kennedys limo as the trigger man. Its a somber day across the nation as we reflect on the 50th anniversary of the kennedy assassination.

The 9 minute speech was delivered on june 26, 1963, a little under two years. Unfortunately the evidence and countless recreations of the situation prove that jfks head would move that way using the same gun and caliber ammo. Secret service agent youngblood and the driver were in the front seat. We like to feel that the world is safe, errol morris tells me. Kennedys assassination limousine how obamas limo stacks up against the most famous limo of all time. Marine and one time soviet defector, lee harvey oswald was charged the assignation of. Lbj ducked before first shot at jfk why cant we see lbj. Frame most graphic frame of the abraham zapruder footage showing the shot that killed the president. Military industrial complex killed kennedy to prevent him from. As soon as by ones own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting ones own right is laid.

Secret service code name for the presidential limousine originally used by the 35th president of the united states, john f. Search, compare and book jfk john f kennedy airport limousines and car services or call 8774040552. It is one reason why i no longer dismiss the idea that abraham zapruders film of jfks assassination was altered. Jfk with king hassan ii of morocco leaving wh washington motorcade. Look closely and you will note that what seems to be a light colored gun is actually the. Kennedy when he was assassinated continued to be used by the three next presidents and now sits in repose at the henry ford museum in dearborn, mich. Our clients in fairfield county connecticut and westchester new york are consistently satisfied with our relaxing and ontime service.

Kennedy gave a speech at american university calling for an end to the nuclear arms race. I didnt mean to do it, i didnt hear, i should have swerved the car, i couldnt help it. Audio podcast interview with larry jamison, author of 1992 globe article identifying limo driver william greer as jfks assassin, recorded on dec. After two dozen engagements, the physicist and the limousine driver were having dinner before the next speech. Rather than replacing the limo, the government spruced it up and used it for another years. The question is not whether the limo slowed to a stop, the question is. The combination of the yellow markings on elm two, the umbrella man and dark complected man that perhaps signaled for the limo to stop and the fact that jfk was hit in the head aprox between the yellow markings suggests this limo stop was part of the plan f. We provide the most competitive luxury limousine prices in. I searched for the words stop and halt in chapters 5, 7, 7b and 8 of my website, which collect the statements of those watching the motorcade from the south side of the plaza, on elm or on the railroad bridge, and this is what i came up with.

Kennedys assassination in dallas, texas on november 22, 1963and the investigation and conspiracy. The kennedy limousine is one of the most famous vehicles in history, but many people dont know what happened to it in the years that followed the assassination of its highprofile passenger. It was saved with a name that was unrelated and in a format few know. Agent who jumped on jfks limo recounts fateful moments. That the zapruder film was tampered with, as to not show this, but to only show the limo slow down a bit. William robert greer september 22, 1909 february 23, 1985 was an agent of the u. Jfk sofitel hotel w 44th st, new york, ny 10036 cheers p.

Back in 2011, maybe 010 as well, i was intrigued by the films and conspiracies surrounding the jfk assassination. Jfk irrefutable proof the driver did not shoot kennedy. I was pondering the performance of william greer the limo driver during the dealey plaza attack and wondered whether or not he was the regular driver or was this duty rotated amongst other secret service agents. A nobel award winning physicist, who was afraid of flying, was on speaking tour of the nations top colleges. Hi all can anyone suggest a reliable luxury limo company. Secret service, best known as being the driver of president john f. Known as secret service fleet number 100x, a modified version would later be used by president lyndon b. Aug 18, 20 1961 lincoln continental bubbletop limousine in which president john f. Kennedy was killed by lee harvey oswald as the president was riding in an opentopped car, with the first lady at his side, during a presidential. Proponents of this theory claim to show he reaches back with his right hand and simply shoots jfk in the head.

Kennedy airport with our professional jfk limo service. There has been speculation that the actions of president john f. Safe at least in the sense that we can know about it. Also we offer airport van and bus in new york to accomodate large groups such as tourists or corporate travel.

He acted alone, the only thing conspiracy theorists have to act on is the way his head moved. Thanks to doug hornes interview with dino brugioni, the cias leading photo analyst, i have had to revisit my previous skepticism. Clint hill%2c 81%2c described moment jackie kennedy refused to let go of her husband outside hospital henry ford museum said it was hill%27s first. Our new jersey limo and new york limousine service will meet you inside at baggage claim, at the airport ground transportation area, or at curbside as per your request. The limousine is the car in which kennedy and first lady jacqueline kennedy were passengers when the president was assassinated in dallas, texas on november 22, 1963 following kennedys assassination, the car received significant armor. Another one of americas most important speeches has to be kennedys berlin speech. Here we see 100% proof that kennedy was shot by chauffeur bill greer of the secret service in other words he was working for j edgar hoover and lbj the vice president. I received a surprise email tonight from larry jamison, author of the republished article i posted on august 8, 2007 about the jfk assassination, identifying the limo driver, secret service agent.

Limo driver killed president kennedy the irumor mill. Kennedys last moments alive gave way in an instant on nov. Jfk airport limo transportation new york city 2020 all. Our jfk limousine service will take you anywhere in style for just the same price as a taxi. The driver had stoppedi dont know what was wrong with that driver.

The only people who could make videotapes were television studios. William greer and jfk jfk assassination debate the. Kennedy was riding in an opentopped lincoln limousine though dealey plaza in dallas, texas when he was struck and killed by two bullets. Save up to 40% on jfk john f kennedy airport limo services on.

Lbj should have been visible, sitting next to lady bird. I read william coopers 1991 book, behold a pale horse, in 1995. Published on nov 14, 2008 this video replaces the one that was censored, due to the complaint filed by proponents of the theory that bill greer, the driver of the limousine turned around and shot. Theres a video on you tube that tries to point out a bunch of discrepencies with the zapruder film, i cant name them all, but bottom line many believe the film was. One film i studied i was focusing on a person and had still images from the film and by chance had one image of the limo. Whether you are in new york for a business meeting or for a limo tour, we offer a fixed rate from all major airports in new york and the surrending area.

For many years now drivers unlimited has been providing toprated jfk airport transportation service. We provide luxury limousine transportation for any major or private airport in ny, new jersey, long island or connecticut, we provide jfk limo, laguardia limousine as well as newark limousine service. The video also went into details about the hobos that were questioned from the train yard dressed in new clothes but supposed hobosand numerous other things like mysterious deaths. Lance moore author of lbj was cropped out of the altgens photo for the news paper. Abc newsman bob clark saw jfks limousine come to a stop.

The car that played a role in that event is extremely. Jfk limousine taxi service to manhattan, new jersey. If you are traveling from the jfk to the nearby hotels in new york, newark, or jersey city, our jfk airport shuttle will be available to take you wherever you want to go. This video replaces the one that was censored, due to the complaint filed by proponents of the theory that bill greer, the driver of the limousine turned around and shot president kennedy.

Dallas when the shots were fired in dallas 50 years ago, only one secret service agent managed to reach president john f. President kennedy had appeared in countless such motorcades routinely during his presidency. Most news footage was taken on film and processed just like a photo film. Kennedy, including three with ties to the central intelligence agency cia, were named by a prominent critic of the warren commission report wcr. When you take into account that the secret service limo driver for the president is driving a 12,000 lb. As the limo is moving, all eyes are on president kennedy. Jfk assassination film hoax the fastforward mistakes.